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Meet the Experts: Who Performs Septoplasty and How to Choose the Right Specialist.

Who Performs Septoplasty

Septoplasty is performed by an ENT surgeon to correct deviated septum. It's a safe and effective procedure to improve nasal breathing.

Have you ever wondered who is brave enough to perform septoplasty? Well, let me tell you, it takes a special kind of person to tackle this task. First of all, let's define what septoplasty is. It's a surgical procedure that corrects a deviated septum, which can cause breathing difficulties and other uncomfortable symptoms. Now, back to the question at hand. Who performs septoplasty?

The answer is simple: an otolaryngologist, also known as an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor. These skilled professionals have spent years studying the intricacies of the head and neck, and they're highly trained in performing surgeries like septoplasty. But don't be fooled by their serious demeanor and impressive credentials. ENT doctors are also known for their quirky personalities and sense of humor.

Take Dr. Smith, for example. He's one of the top ENT doctors in the country, but he's also known for his love of puns. In fact, he likes to incorporate them into his surgical procedures whenever possible. So, don't be surprised if you wake up from septoplasty with a groan-inducing joke ringing in your ears.

But it's not just their sense of humor that makes ENT doctors stand out. They're also incredibly skilled at what they do. During septoplasty, they'll carefully reshape the nasal septum to improve airflow and reduce symptoms like snoring and congestion. It's a delicate procedure that requires precision and expertise.

Of course, not all ENT doctors are created equal. Some specialize in certain areas, like pediatric ENT or head and neck surgery. But when it comes to septoplasty, any qualified ENT doctor should be able to perform the procedure with confidence.

So, there you have it. The brave souls who perform septoplasty are none other than ENT doctors. They may be serious about their work, but they're not afraid to let their personalities shine through. And when it comes to making a pun or two, they're definitely in a league of their own.

Now that you know who performs septoplasty, you can rest assured that you're in good hands if you ever need the procedure yourself. Just don't forget to thank your ENT doctor for their hard work and sense of humor!

Who Performs Septoplasty?


If you're one of those people who suffer from a deviated septum, then you know how much of a pain it can be. A deviated septum can cause breathing problems, snoring, and even sleep apnea. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem, and it's called septoplasty. But who performs septoplasty? Is it a doctor, a nurse, or a magical unicorn?

The Doctor

The short answer is that a doctor performs septoplasty. Specifically, an otolaryngologist, also known as an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor. These are the guys who specialize in the head and neck. You might think that any old doctor could perform this procedure, but it's actually a pretty delicate operation. The doctor needs to be able to see inside your nose and manipulate the septum without causing any damage.

The Nurse

Now, you might be thinking, Wait a minute, I thought nurses could do everything doctors could do! While it's true that nurses are highly skilled professionals, they are not trained to perform surgery. Nurses play an important role in the operating room, but their job is to assist the doctor, not to take over.

The Magical Unicorn

As for the magical unicorn, well, sorry to disappoint you, but they don't exist. Unless you count the ones in fairy tales, but I don't think they have medical degrees. So if you were hoping to have a magical creature perform your septoplasty, you're out of luck.

The Anesthesiologist

While the doctor is the one who performs the actual surgery, there is another important member of the surgical team: the anesthesiologist. This is the person who puts you to sleep and monitors your vital signs throughout the procedure. Without them, you'd be awake for the whole thing, and that would not be fun.

The Surgical Tech

Another member of the surgical team is the surgical tech. They are responsible for setting up the operating room, sterilizing instruments, and handing the doctor any tools they need during the surgery. Think of them as the doctor's assistant.

The Nurse Anesthetist

In some cases, the anesthesiologist might be assisted by a nurse anesthetist. This is a specially trained nurse who is able to administer anesthesia under the supervision of the anesthesiologist. They work together to make sure you're comfortable and safe throughout the entire procedure.

The Recovery Room Nurse

After the surgery is over, you'll be taken to the recovery room where you'll be monitored by a nurse. Their job is to make sure you're waking up from the anesthesia properly and that your vital signs are stable. They'll also give you instructions on how to care for yourself once you go home.

The ENT Resident

Finally, if you're having your septoplasty done at a teaching hospital, there might be an ENT resident involved in your surgery. These are doctors who are still in training, but they are supervised by the attending physician (the actual doctor who will be performing the surgery). They might assist with the surgery or just observe.


So, there you have it. The answer to the question who performs septoplasty? is a qualified ENT doctor, along with a team of other medical professionals. While it might seem like a simple procedure, it's actually quite complex and requires a lot of skill and expertise. So if you're considering septoplasty, make sure you choose a doctor who is experienced and knowledgeable. And remember, magical unicorns need not apply.

Who Let the Docs Out?

If you're considering septoplasty surgery, it's important to know who is qualified to perform the procedure. While it may seem like any medical professional could give it a go, there are specific qualifications required for this delicate surgery. So, who is authorized to perform septoplasty?

Calling All Surgeons

First and foremost, let's clear up a common misconception. Any surgeon cannot simply decide to perform septoplasty without proper training. Septoplasty requires a specialist, either a plastic surgeon or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeon.

All Aboard the Septo-Train

Both plastic surgeons and ENTs have jumped on board the septoplasty train, but there is some debate regarding who reigns supreme in these procedures. Plastic surgeons specialize in reconstructive surgery and can perform septoplasty in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. ENTs specialize in the head and neck area and have extensive experience with nasal and sinus surgeries.

The Great Septo Debate

So, who is better equipped to perform septoplasty? The answer may depend on your specific needs and preferences. Plastic surgeons may be ideal if you're looking to improve the appearance of your nose along with correcting breathing issues, while ENTs may be preferred if you have complex sinus issues in addition to a deviated septum.

Nurse, Pass the Scalpel!

While surgeons are the primary medical professionals performing septoplasty, they are assisted by a team of nurses. Nurses play a vital role in preparing patients for surgery, monitoring their vitals during the procedure, and assisting the surgeon in the operating room.

Anesthesiologist, or DJ?

During septoplasty surgery, a skilled anesthesiologist is crucial in ensuring the patient's safety and comfort. They administer anesthesia and monitor the patient's breathing and heart rate throughout the procedure. While they may not spin records like a DJ, they are just as important to the success of the surgery.

The Intern Did my Septo?

One concern some patients may have is inexperienced medical professionals performing their surgery. It's important to trust your surgeon and ensure they have the proper qualifications and experience before going under the knife. Rest assured, your septoplasty will not be performed by an intern or inexperienced medical professional.

DIY Septo Surgery, Don't Try This at Home

While it may seem tempting to try and perform a self-septoplasty at home, this is extremely dangerous and should never be attempted. Septoplasty requires specialized training and equipment that only a qualified medical professional can provide. Trying to perform the surgery yourself could lead to serious injury or even death.

The More the Merrier?

Finally, some patients may wonder if having multiple medical professionals involved in their septoplasty surgery is beneficial. While it's important to have a team of qualified professionals assisting the surgeon, too many cooks in the kitchen can cause confusion and potentially lead to errors. It's best to trust your primary surgeon and any additional medical professionals they deem necessary for your specific surgery.

The Final Verdict on Who Performs Septoplasty

In conclusion, septoplasty requires a specialist, either a plastic surgeon or an ENT, with extensive training and experience. They are assisted by a team of nurses and an anesthesiologist to ensure the patient's safety and comfort throughout the procedure. It's important to trust your surgeon and ensure they have the proper qualifications and experience before undergoing septoplasty surgery. And remember, don't try this at home!

The Entertaining Tale of Who Performs Septoplasty

Meet Dr. Nosejob

Let me introduce you to Dr. Nosejob, the most eccentric and entertaining septoplasty surgeon in town. With his colorful scrubs and witty jokes, he is the go-to guy for anyone who wants a nose job or has breathing problems.

Who Performs Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves straightening the nasal septum. It's typically performed by an otolaryngologist, also known as an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist. However, some plastic surgeons and facial plastic surgeons also perform septoplasty.

But let's get back to Dr. Nosejob. He may not be your typical ENT specialist, but he sure knows how to make his patients feel comfortable and at ease before going under the knife.

The Humorous Side of Septoplasty

Dr. Nosejob's operating room is like no other. As soon as you step in, you'll be greeted with bright lights and a giant disco ball hanging from the ceiling. The walls are covered in posters of famous comedians, and you'll hear classic rock playing in the background.

But wait, it gets better. Dr. Nosejob will crack jokes throughout the entire procedure, making you forget that you're having surgery. From puns to one-liners, he never fails to make his patients laugh.

Don't worry; he takes his job seriously. He's a highly skilled surgeon and has performed hundreds of successful septoplasty procedures. But why not have some fun while doing it?

The Benefits of Seeing Dr. Nosejob

Aside from his entertaining personality, Dr. Nosejob also offers some unique perks to his patients. Here are a few:

  1. Free nose-shaped stress balls
  2. A complimentary I survived septoplasty with Dr. Nosejob t-shirt
  3. A post-op photo shoot with a professional photographer

Who wouldn't want to go under the knife with Dr. Nosejob?

In Conclusion

Septoplasty may not be the most exciting procedure, but Dr. Nosejob sure knows how to make it entertaining. Whether you're looking for a nose job or have breathing problems, he's the guy to see. Just don't forget to bring your sense of humor.


  • Septoplasty
  • ENT specialist
  • Plastic surgeon
  • Facial plastic surgeon
  • Dr. Nosejob
  • Otolaryngologist

Thanks for Stopping By, Nosey Folks!

Well, well, well. Look at all you curious cats trying to figure out who performs septoplasty. Are you tired of breathing through one nostril? Sick of snoring louder than a chainsaw? Or do you just love learning about the inner workings of your nose? Whatever the reason, I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog.

Now, as for the burning question on everyone's mind: who performs septoplasty? It's not like there's a nose job aisle at the grocery store where you can pick up a DIY kit. No, this procedure requires a skilled professional who knows their way around a nasal passage. But who could it be? Let's explore our options, shall we?

First up, we have the ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist. These doctors are trained to diagnose and treat conditions related to the head and neck area, including nasal issues. They're the ones who will likely refer you to a surgeon if necessary. But can they perform septoplasty themselves? The answer is yes! In fact, many ENTs specialize in nasal surgery and have years of experience under their belt. So, if you're looking for someone who knows their way around a booger, an ENT might be your best bet.

Next, we have the plastic surgeon. You might be thinking, Wait a minute, aren't they the ones who give people nose jobs for cosmetic reasons? Yes, that's true. However, many plastic surgeons also perform septoplasty as a medical procedure to correct breathing problems. They have the skills and knowledge to reshape the cartilage and bone inside your nose without changing its appearance. So, if you want to breathe better without looking like a completely different person, a plastic surgeon could be your go-to.

Last but not least, we have the general surgeon. These are the folks who can operate on pretty much any part of your body, including your nose. However, they typically only perform septoplasty in emergency situations or when other options aren't available. So, while they're certainly capable of doing the job, you might want to seek out a specialist if possible.

Now, before you go running off to book an appointment with the first doctor you see, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure the person you choose is licensed and board-certified in their field. You don't want some random guy off the street poking around in your nose with a pair of scissors (trust me).

Additionally, it's important to find someone who listens to your concerns and takes the time to explain the procedure to you. This is your body we're talking about, after all. You want to feel comfortable and confident in the hands of your surgeon. If they make you feel rushed or dismissive of your questions, it might be time to look elsewhere.

So, there you have it, folks! The answer to who performs septoplasty is a bit more complicated than you might have thought. But now that you know your options, you can make an informed decision about who to trust with your schnozz. Thanks for stopping by, and happy breathing!

Who Performs Septoplasty?

What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to correct a deviated septum, which is the displacement of the bone and cartilage that separates the nostrils. This condition can cause breathing difficulties, chronic headaches, and other health problems.

Who Performs Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is typically performed by an otolaryngologist, also known as an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. These doctors have extensive training in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the ears, nose, and throat.

However, certain physicians may also perform septoplasty, including:

  1. Plastic Surgeons - they may perform septoplasty as part of a rhinoplasty procedure, which involves reshaping the nose for cosmetic reasons.
  2. Maxillofacial Surgeons - they may perform septoplasty as part of a broader surgical plan to address jaw and facial bone issues.
  3. Ophthalmologists - they may perform septoplasty if a deviated septum is affecting a patient's vision or eye health.

Is it Possible for Non-Doctors to Perform Septoplasty?

No, it is not possible for non-doctors to perform septoplasty. This is a highly specialized surgical procedure that requires extensive training and experience to perform safely and effectively. Anyone who claims to be able to perform septoplasty without proper medical credentials should be avoided at all costs.


If you are considering septoplasty, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who specializes in this type of procedure. By doing so, you can ensure that you receive the best possible care and achieve optimal results.

Remember, a good surgeon will not only correct your deviated septum but will also make you laugh when you wake up from anesthesia!