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Discover the Magic of Old Guess Who Games: Nostalgic Fun for All Ages!

Old Guess Who

Discover the legendary Canadian rock band, Old Guess Who, and relive the iconic hits that defined a generation. Experience nostalgia like never before!

Remember the good old days of being a kid? The days when you didn't have to worry about bills, responsibilities, or adulting in general? For many of us, those were also the days when we spent hours on end playing board games with our family and friends. And if you were lucky enough to grow up in the 70s or 80s, there's a good chance that one of those board games was Guess Who.

Now, I'm not talking about the Guess Who that exists today - the one with updated graphics, diverse characters, and more inclusive language. No, I'm talking about the OG Guess Who - the one with the flimsy plastic cards, the limited character options, and the decidedly less PC questions.

But despite its flaws, there was something undeniably charming about Old Guess Who. Maybe it was the simplicity of it all - just 24 characters, each with their own unique appearance and name. Or maybe it was the thrill of trying to guess your opponent's character before they guessed yours. Whatever it was, Old Guess Who has a special place in the hearts of many nostalgic adults today.

Of course, that's not to say that Old Guess Who was perfect. Far from it, in fact. For starters, the characters were all incredibly stereotypical. There was Maria, the Hispanic woman with a sombrero and a guitar. There was Abdul, the Middle Eastern man with a turban and a big nose. And let's not forget Anne, the only female character with short hair and a collared shirt - because apparently, that's what women looked like in the 80s.

Then there were the questions. Oh, the questions. Does your person have a big nose? Is your person bald? Does your person wear glasses? It's no wonder that the updated version of Guess Who changed these questions to be more inclusive and less appearance-focused. But back in the day, we didn't think twice about it - we were just excited to play a game.

Another issue with Old Guess Who was the lack of replay value. Once you had played a few rounds and memorized all the characters, the game lost some of its excitement. Sure, you could mix things up by adding your own rules or making up new questions, but ultimately, there were only so many times you could play before it got old.

But despite all of these flaws, there's no denying that Old Guess Who holds a special place in the hearts of many. Maybe it's because it reminds us of simpler times, when our biggest worries were homework and what we were going to have for dinner. Or maybe it's because it represents a shared experience with friends and family - a time when we all gathered around a table and laughed and joked and bonded over a silly board game.

So if you happen to come across Old Guess Who at a garage sale or thrift store, don't hesitate to scoop it up. Sure, it may not be perfect, but it's a piece of nostalgia that's worth holding onto.


Ah, the good old Guess Who game. It brings back memories of childhood, when we would sit around with our friends and family, trying to guess each other's characters. But have you ever played the old version of Guess Who? The one with the outdated characters and questionable stereotypes? Let me tell you, it's a real doozy.

The Characters

Let's start with the characters themselves. There's Maria, who is apparently from Spain because she wears a flamenco dress and has a fan. Then there's Abdul, who is from Saudi Arabia because he wears a turban and has a big bushy beard. And let's not forget about Anne, who is clearly from France because she wears a beret and has a baguette. It's like someone just went through a list of stereotypes and made characters out of them.

The Questions

The questions you ask in this version of Guess Who are just as questionable as the characters themselves. Does your character wear a hat? Is your character bald? Is your character a man? I mean, come on. Can't we think of anything better than that?

The Gender Issue

Speaking of gender, let's talk about that for a minute. In the old Guess Who, all the characters are either male or female. There's no room for anyone who identifies as non-binary or anywhere on the gender spectrum. It's just another example of how outdated this game really is.

The Artwork

Have you taken a close look at the artwork on these cards? It's like something out of a bad 70s cartoon. The characters all have these weird, exaggerated features and the colors are so bright they practically burn your retinas. It's no wonder they updated the artwork in later versions of the game.

The Strategy

Despite all these issues, there is still a strategy to playing the old Guess Who. You have to be careful which questions you ask, and try to eliminate as many characters as possible with each one. It's all about narrowing down the possibilities until you can make an educated guess. Of course, you could always just cheat and peek at your opponent's board.

The Nostalgia Factor

One thing this version of Guess Who does have going for it is the nostalgia factor. If you played this game as a kid, it's sure to bring back some memories. You might even find yourself feeling a little sentimental as you play.

The Educational Value

There is also some educational value to be found in the old Guess Who. It can teach kids about different cultures and stereotypes, and spark discussions about why those stereotypes are harmful.

The Upgrades

As I mentioned earlier, later versions of Guess Who updated the artwork and characters to be more inclusive and less stereotypical. They also added new gameplay elements, like special powers and different game modes. If you're looking for a more modern take on the game, these upgrades are definitely worth checking out.

The Verdict

So, what's the verdict on the old version of Guess Who? Well, it's definitely outdated and has some problematic elements. But if you're feeling nostalgic and want to take a trip down memory lane, it can be a fun way to pass the time. Just don't expect it to be as inclusive or thought-provoking as newer versions of the game.


Overall, the old Guess Who is a relic of a bygone era. It's a reminder of how far we've come in terms of inclusivity and representation. But it's also a reminder of simpler times, when we could sit around a table with our friends and family, playing a silly game and laughing until our sides hurt. And really, isn't that what games are all about?

Old Guess Who: A Hilarious Blast from the Past

Remember playing Guess Who when you were a kid? Well, imagine that game with a bunch of old folks who are stuck in the past! Let me introduce you to the cast of characters:

The One with the Outdated Hairstyle

This guy's hair is straight out of the 80s. It's feathered, it's voluminous, and it's totally outdated. But he doesn't care. He's still rocking his mullet like it's 1984. He's easy to spot in the game because his character card has a big old picture of him with his hair in all its glory.

The Grandpa with the Funky Glasses

This grandpa is a real trip. He's got these funky glasses that look like they came straight out of a sci-fi movie. They're big, they're round, and they're totally ridiculous. But he loves them, and he wears them proudly. In the game, his character card has a picture of him wearing those glasses, so he's easy to spot.

The Lady with the Seventies Fashion Sense

This lady is all about the 70s. She's wearing bell-bottoms, platform shoes, and a fringed vest. Her hair is long and straight, and she's got big hoop earrings. She looks like she just stepped out of a disco. And she's proud of it. Her character card shows her in all her 70s glory.

The Uncle with the Retro Mustache

This uncle has a mustache that would make Tom Selleck jealous. It's big, it's bushy, and it's retro. But he loves it, and he's not afraid to show it off. His character card has a big old picture of him with that mustache, so he's easy to spot in the game.

The Auntie Who Still Rocks Shoulder Pads

This auntie is all about the power dressing. She's wearing a blazer with shoulder pads that are so big, she could take flight. Her hair is coiffed, and she's got a big smile on her face. She looks like she just stepped out of a boardroom in the 80s. Her character card shows her in all her shoulder pad glory.

The Dad with the Dad Bod

This dad is a real character. He's got a bit of a gut, but he's proud of it. He's wearing a polo shirt and khaki shorts, and he's got a beer in his hand. He looks like he's ready to fire up the grill and have a barbecue. His character card shows him with that beer, so he's easy to spot in the game.

The Grandma with the Knitting Needles

This grandma is always knitting. She's got a ball of yarn and a pair of needles in her hands, and she's clicking away. She's wearing a sweater that she probably knitted herself, and she's got a smile on her face. Her character card shows her with those knitting needles, so she's easy to spot in the game.

The Grumpy Old Man Who Always Wins

This guy is a real grouch. He's always grumbling about something, and he doesn't seem to like anyone. But he's also really good at Guess Who. He always seems to pick the right character, and he never loses. It's frustrating, but also kind of impressive. His character card is the only one that doesn't have a picture of him smiling.

The Cousin Who's Always Cheating

This cousin is a real cheat. He's always peeking at his opponent's cards, and he's always trying to get an edge. It's annoying, but also kind of funny. He doesn't seem to care that he's breaking the rules. His character card has a picture of him with a sly grin on his face.

The Mom Who's Too Competitive for Her Own Good

This mom is a real competitor. She takes Guess Who very seriously, and she doesn't like to lose. She's always strategizing, and she's always trying to outsmart her opponent. It's kind of scary, but also kind of impressive. Her character card shows her with a determined look on her face.

All of these characters make for a hilarious game of Guess Who. Whether you're playing with them or just watching, you're sure to have a good time. So next time you're feeling nostalgic, grab a bunch of old folks and play a game of Old Guess Who. You won't regret it!

The Tale of Old Guess Who

The Legend of Old Guess Who

Old Guess Who was a man shrouded in mystery. No one knew his real name, and everyone simply referred to him as Guess Who. He was an old man who lived in a small village, and he was known for his fantastic guessing abilities. He could guess anything from the weather to people's ages with incredible accuracy, and his reputation for accurate predictions preceded him.

Meet Old Guess Who

One day, a young man named Tom decided to pay a visit to Old Guess Who. As he knocked on the door, he was greeted by the old man himself. The two sat down for a chat, and Tom asked the old man if he could guess his age. Without hesitation, Old Guess Who answered, You are 29 years old. Tom was astonished and couldn't believe how accurate the guess was. He decided to test the old man's abilities further by asking him to guess the weather for the next day. Old Guess Who thought for a moment and then replied, It will rain tomorrow. Tom left the old man's house feeling amazed and slightly spooked.

Old Guess Who's Secret

As it turned out, Old Guess Who had a secret that no one knew about. He had a large book filled with information about every person in the village. He had meticulously collected data over the years, including birth dates, ages, occupations, and even personal habits. He also had a vast knowledge of the weather patterns in the area, which he used to make accurate predictions.

The Humorous Side of Old Guess Who

Despite his slightly creepy tendencies, Old Guess Who was also known for his sense of humor. He loved to play pranks on people and was always up for a good laugh. One day, he decided to play a joke on the village's blacksmith. The blacksmith had been complaining about his aching back, so Old Guess Who told him that he had a special potion that would cure his pain. The blacksmith eagerly accepted the offer, but when he drank the potion, he realized that it was just water. Old Guess Who couldn't stop laughing at the blacksmith's reaction.


Old Guess Who may have been a bit of an oddball, but he was beloved by everyone in the village. His ability to guess anything and everything accurately was impressive, and his sense of humor made him even more endearing. Even though he had a secret book filled with information about everyone, people still admired him for his unique talents. Old Guess Who may be gone, but his legend lives on.


  • Old Guess Who
  • Guessing abilities
  • Village
  • Tom
  • Age
  • Weather
  • Secret book
  • Blacksmith
  • Sense of humor

Farewell, Old Guess Who

Well folks, it's time for me to say goodbye to our beloved Old Guess Who. It's been a wild ride, and I've enjoyed every minute of it. As we wrap up this trip down memory lane, I thought I'd leave you with a few final thoughts.

Firstly, I want to thank you all for joining me on this journey. It's been wonderful to share my passion for this classic game and connect with other fans around the world. Whether you stumbled upon my blog by accident or have been following it for years, I appreciate each and every one of you.

Now, let's talk about Old Guess Who. What a game! The hours I spent playing this as a kid are some of my fondest memories. I can still vividly recall the thrill of guessing my opponent's character and the frustration of having to flip down rows of faces when I got it wrong.

But let's be honest, as much as we love Old Guess Who, it's not perfect. For starters, there's the issue of representation. While the game features characters of different genders and races, they're all pretty stereotypical. The women are mostly wearing dresses and the men all have short haircuts. And don't even get me started on the lack of curly hair options!

Then there's the fact that some of the characters are just plain weird. I mean, who really needs a character that's a man with nose? And what's up with the guy who looks like he's wearing a turban?

But despite its flaws, Old Guess Who has stood the test of time. It's a game that's easy to learn but difficult to master. It's a game that's great for kids and adults alike. And it's a game that will always hold a special place in my heart.

So, what have we learned from our journey through Old Guess Who? Well, for starters, it's important to appreciate the classics. There's a reason why certain games and toys have been around for decades - they're just plain fun! And sometimes, it's nice to take a break from all the flashy, high-tech gadgets and go back to basics.

But we've also learned that it's okay to acknowledge a game's flaws. In fact, it's important to do so. By recognizing where Old Guess Who falls short, we can work towards creating more inclusive and diverse games for future generations.

And with that, I bid you farewell, Old Guess Who. You may be old, but you'll always hold a special place in our hearts. And who knows, maybe one day we'll dust off the old game board and give you another spin.

Until then, keep guessing!

People Also Ask About Old Guess Who

What is Old Guess Who?

Old Guess Who is a classic board game that was first introduced in 1979. It involves players trying to guess which character their opponent has chosen by asking yes or no questions.

Is Old Guess Who still popular?

Despite being over 40 years old, Old Guess Who is still a beloved game that many people enjoy playing with their friends and family. It's a timeless classic that never gets old!

How many characters are in Old Guess Who?

There are 24 different characters in Old Guess Who, including both male and female characters of various ages, ethnicities, and occupations.

Can you cheat at Old Guess Who?

Technically, yes, you could cheat at Old Guess Who by peeking at your opponent's character card or asking leading questions. However, where's the fun in that? The whole point of the game is to use your deduction skills to figure out who your opponent has chosen!

What are some strategies for winning at Old Guess Who?

Some tips for winning at Old Guess Who include:

  • Asking questions that eliminate multiple characters at once
  • Keeping track of which characters your opponent has said no to
  • Using the process of elimination to narrow down the possibilities

Can you play Old Guess Who online?

Yes, there are several websites and apps that allow you to play Old Guess Who online with other players from around the world. However, many people prefer the tactile experience of playing the physical board game with their friends and family.

Is Old Guess Who politically correct?

While the original version of Old Guess Who featured mostly white, male characters, newer versions have updated the game to include a more diverse range of characters. However, there are still some who argue that the game could do more to promote diversity and inclusivity.

Can you customize Old Guess Who?

Yes, one of the fun things about Old Guess Who is that you can create your own custom character cards by drawing or printing out pictures of your friends, family members, or favorite celebrities. This adds a personal touch to the game and makes it even more fun to play!