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Top 5 Champions to Counter Hecarim in League of Legends: A Complete Guide

Who Counters Hecarim

Discover the champions that can counter Hecarim's powerful kit and keep him at bay during your League of Legends matches.

Who counters Hecarim? That's the question that every League of Legends player asks when they see this demonic centaur charging at them on the Rift. Well, fear not my friends, because today we're going to discuss some champions that can put a stop to this ghostly horse's rampage.

First on our list is none other than Poppy. This yordle might look small and cute, but don't let her size fool you. Poppy's W ability, Steadfast Presence, can completely shut down Hecarim's engage by making him unable to use his devastating ultimate. Plus, her Q ability will deal a significant amount of damage to the horseman.

Next up is Jax. This Grandmaster at Arms might not have any crowd control abilities, but he makes up for it with his incredible dueling potential. Jax's E ability, Counter Strike, will allow him to dodge Hecarim's attacks and stun him in return. Plus, his passive ability, Relentless Assault, will give him increased attack speed and damage as he continues to fight.

If you're looking for a champion that can both counter Hecarim and provide utility for your team, look no further than Sejuani. This ice queen's ultimate ability, Glacial Prison, can stun Hecarim and any other enemies caught within its radius, giving your team a window of opportunity to take them out. Plus, her passive ability, Fury of the North, will give her bonus armor and magic resist when she takes damage.

Another champion that can both counter Hecarim and provide utility is Maokai. This tree-like creature's W ability, Twisted Advance, can root Hecarim in place and prevent him from using his ultimate. Plus, his ultimate ability, Nature's Grasp, can be used to cut off Hecarim's escape route and force him into a fight he might not be ready for.

Now, if you're looking for a champion that can completely shut down Hecarim's mobility, look no further than Vayne. This Night Hunter's Condemn ability can knock back Hecarim and stun him if he hits a wall, preventing him from charging back into the fight. Plus, her ultimate ability, Final Hour, will give her increased damage and stealth, making it easier for her to take down the ghostly horseman.

If you want to completely nullify Hecarim's engage potential, consider picking up Lulu. This Pixie's W ability, Whimsy, can polymorph Hecarim and prevent him from using any of his abilities for a short period of time. Plus, her ultimate ability, Wild Growth, can be used to knock up enemies in a large area and give your team a chance to reposition or take out Hecarim.

For those of you who prefer playing assassins, Zed is a great choice for countering Hecarim. This Master of Shadows can use his Living Shadow ability to dodge Hecarim's engage and then go in for the kill. Plus, his ultimate ability, Death Mark, will allow him to deal massive amounts of damage to Hecarim and potentially even take him out in one shot.

If you're looking for a champion that can both counter Hecarim and provide sustain for your team, consider picking up Nunu. This Yeti's Q ability, Consume, can be used to heal himself and his allies, while his ultimate ability, Absolute Zero, can be used to slow down Hecarim and any other enemies caught within its radius.

Another champion that can provide sustain for your team while countering Hecarim is Soraka. This Starchild's W ability, Astral Infusion, can be used to heal herself and her allies, while her ultimate ability, Wish, can be used to heal all allies on the map, potentially saving them from Hecarim's devastating engage.

And finally, we have Garen. This Demacian might not have any crowd control abilities, but he makes up for it with his incredible tankiness and damage potential. Garen's W ability, Courage, will give him bonus armor and magic resist, while his ultimate ability, Demacian Justice, will allow him to deal massive amounts of true damage to Hecarim if he's low enough.

So there you have it, folks. These are just a few champions that can counter Hecarim and put a stop to his rampage on the Rift. Of course, there are many other champions that can do the same, so don't be afraid to experiment and find the one that works best for you. Happy hunting!


Hecarim, the Shadow of War, is a champion that roams the fields of justice with his ghostly army. He is a fearsome foe that can turn the tide of any battle with his sheer strength and speed. However, even the mightiest of champions have their weaknesses. In this article, we will explore the champions that can counter Hecarim and bring him down to his knees.

The Ghostbuster - Vayne

Vayne, the Night Hunter, is a champion that excels at taking down high-mobility targets like Hecarim. Her Silver Bolts passive allows her to deal true damage to enemies on every third hit, making her an excellent pick against tanky champions like Hecarim. Additionally, her Condemn ability can knock Hecarim back, interrupting his charge and setting up for an easy kill.

How to Play Against Hecarim as Vayne

Playing against Hecarim as Vayne requires patience and good positioning. Wait for Hecarim to charge in and use his abilities before engaging. Use your Tumble ability to dodge his attacks and position yourself behind him to take advantage of his low mobility. Save your Condemn ability for when Hecarim tries to flee, knocking him back and securing the kill.

The Crowd Controller - Morgana

Morgana, the Fallen Angel, is a champion that can shut down Hecarim's mobility with her Dark Binding ability. This ability roots enemies in place for up to three seconds, giving her team ample time to take down Hecarim. Additionally, her Black Shield ability can protect herself or allies from Hecarim's crowd control abilities.

How to Play Against Hecarim as Morgana

Playing against Hecarim as Morgana requires good timing and aim. Wait for Hecarim to charge in and use his abilities before firing off your Dark Binding. Position yourself behind your team to avoid being targeted by Hecarim's Rampage ability. Use your Black Shield ability to protect yourself or allies from Hecarim's crowd control abilities.

The Tank Buster - Fiora

Fiora, the Grand Duelist, is a champion that can quickly take down tanky champions like Hecarim with her high damage output. Her Riposte ability can block Hecarim's Rampage ability, reducing his damage output and allowing her to counterattack. Additionally, her ultimate ability, Grand Challenge, can deal massive damage to Hecarim if he is marked as the villain.

How to Play Against Hecarim as Fiora

Playing against Hecarim as Fiora requires good timing and positioning. Wait for Hecarim to charge in and use his abilities before engaging. Use your Riposte ability to block Hecarim's Rampage ability and reduce his damage output. Save your ultimate ability, Grand Challenge, for when Hecarim is marked as the villain, dealing massive damage and securing the kill.

The Mobile Assassin - Kha'Zix

Kha'Zix, the Voidreaver, is a champion that can outmaneuver Hecarim with his high mobility and stealth abilities. His Leap ability allows him to quickly close the distance and dodge Hecarim's attacks, while his Void Assault ability can turn him invisible, making it difficult for Hecarim to target him.

How to Play Against Hecarim as Kha'Zix

Playing against Hecarim as Kha'Zix requires good timing and positioning. Wait for Hecarim to charge in and use his abilities before engaging. Use your Leap ability to dodge Hecarim's attacks and position yourself behind him to take advantage of his low mobility. Use your Void Assault ability to turn invisible and avoid being targeted by Hecarim's attacks.

The Crowd Favorite - Teemo

Teemo, the Swift Scout, is a champion that is loved by many for his cuteness and annoying abilities. His Blinding Dart ability can blind enemies, making it difficult for them to land attacks. Additionally, his Noxious Trap ability can slow down enemies, making it easier for his team to catch up and take down Hecarim.

How to Play Against Hecarim as Teemo

Playing against Hecarim as Teemo requires good timing and positioning. Wait for Hecarim to charge in and use his abilities before firing off your Blinding Dart. Use your Move Quick ability to quickly move around and avoid being targeted by Hecarim's attacks. Place your Noxious Traps in strategic locations to slow down Hecarim and set up kills for your team.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, there are many champions that can counter Hecarim and bring him down to his knees. Whether you prefer high damage output, crowd control, or mobility, there is a champion out there that can take down this fearsome foe. So go out there and pick your favorite champion, and show Hecarim who's boss!

The Ghost Whisperer: How to Handle Hecarim Like a Pro

Say Nay to the Mane: Taming Hecarim with these Easy Counter Tips

Hecarim, the spectral centaur, is a formidable opponent in the Summoner's Rift. With his speed and devastating damage, he can quickly turn any game into a nightmare. But fear not, dear summoners! With a few simple counter techniques, you can take control of the game and make Hecarim your mane attraction.

Why Run when you can Tackle? Countering Hecarim with Confidence

The first step to countering Hecarim is to understand his abilities. He excels in mobility, dealing damage, and disrupting opponents. To tackle him head-on, pick champions with crowd control abilities, such as stuns, slows, or knock-ups. These abilities can interrupt Hecarim's charge and prevent him from escaping.

Horn or Thorn: How to Shut Down Hecarim and his Magical Mayhem

Another way to counter Hecarim is to focus on his weaknesses. He relies heavily on his abilities to deal damage, so building items that reduce magic resist or increase armor can weaken his attacks. Also, Hecarim's ultimate ability, Onslaught of Shadows, makes him immune to slows, but not to roots or knock-ups. So, champions with these abilities can trap him in place and prevent him from escaping.

No More Mr. Nice Horse: Mastering Counter Techniques against Hecarim

In addition to champion selection and itemization, map awareness is critical when facing Hecarim. He can quickly move around the map, ganking lanes, and taking objectives. To counter this, keep wards in strategic locations, such as river bushes or jungle entrances, to spot him before he strikes.

Riding High: How to Outsmart and Outplay Hecarim without Breaking a Sweat

Finally, the key to countering Hecarim is to stay calm and composed. He may seem intimidating, but by understanding his weaknesses and using counter techniques, you can turn the tables on him. Keep your cool, communicate with your team, and don't let his haunting presence get to you.

The Ghostbuster's Guide to Countering Hecarim and his Haunting Presence

The Mane Attraction: How to Keep Hecarim at Bay with These Killer Tactics

To sum up, countering Hecarim requires a combination of champion selection, itemization, map awareness, and composure. With these techniques, you can tame the spectral centaur and turn his haunting presence into a mere nuisance.

Taking Charge: Becoming the Ultimate Hecarim Counter Instinctively

So, next time you face Hecarim in the Summoner's Rift, remember these words: From haunted to hunted. With the right mindset and tactics, you can take charge of the game and make Hecarim regret ever crossing your path.

Who Counters Hecarim?

The Story of Hecarim and His Counter

Once upon a time in the Rift, there was a powerful centaur named Hecarim. He was known for his speed, strength, and devastating charge attacks. Hecarim had many victories in the battlefield, but there was always one champion who gave him trouble: {{keywords}}.

This champion was a yordle named Teemo. He may look cute and harmless, but don't be fooled because he can be a real pain in the hoof for Hecarim. Every time Hecarim charged towards Teemo, the yordle would just plant a mushroom on the ground and watch Hecarim suffer from the poison damage. Teemo would then blind Hecarim with his dart, making him miss his attacks. Hecarim would get frustrated and angry, but Teemo would just giggle and run away.

Hecarim tried different strategies to counter Teemo, but nothing seemed to work. He tried to wait for Teemo to use his abilities before charging, but Teemo was too fast for him. He tried to use his ultimate ability to fear Teemo, but Teemo would just run away faster. Hecarim even tried to ask for help from his teammates, but they were too busy dealing with other opponents.

In the end, Hecarim realized that he couldn't defeat Teemo alone. He needed to adapt and change his playstyle. Instead of charging head-on towards Teemo, he started to use his Q ability to dash towards him and deal damage from afar. He also bought items that gave him magic resist and health regeneration to counter Teemo's poison and burst damage. Hecarim even learned to appreciate Teemo's cuteness and started to call him his little nemesis.

Table: Who Counters Hecarim?

  1. {{keywords}}
  2. Poppy
  3. Jax
  4. Fiora
  5. Volibear

In conclusion, Hecarim may be a powerful champion, but he is not invincible. {{keywords}} and other champions can counter him if played correctly. Sometimes, it's not about brute force, but about strategy and adaptation. And who knows, your little nemesis may become your best friend in the end.

Who Counters Hecarim? No one, he's a ghost!

Well, that was quite a journey. We've talked about Hecarim, the fearsome spectral horse and how he dominates the top lane with his mobility and damage. We've discussed his strengths and weaknesses, his playstyle and builds, and we've given some tips on how to counter him. But let's be real here, who counters Hecarim? The answer is simple: no one can counter a ghost!

Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking. But wait, I thought you said there were ways to beat him? Well, yes, technically there are. But let's face it, Hecarim is like that annoying mosquito that keeps buzzing around your ear. You can swat at it all you want, but it's still going to come back and annoy you some more.

So, instead of trying to outplay Hecarim, why not embrace the ghostly horsey goodness and become one with the darkness? That's right, folks, the only way to truly counter Hecarim is to join him in the afterlife.

Now, before you start calling me crazy, hear me out. Think about it. Hecarim is a ghost, which means he's already dead. He doesn't have a physical form to be killed or injured. Sure, you can stun him or slow him down, but ultimately, he'll just ghost away like the ethereal being he is.

So, instead of trying to fight Hecarim, why not become his ally? Think of all the possibilities! With Hecarim by your side, you could roam the map and terrorize your enemies with your ghostly presence. You could gallop through walls and surprise your enemies from behind. You could even run circles around them, making them dizzy with your ghostly speed.

Of course, I'm not saying that you should start maining Hecarim. That would be ridiculous (or would it?). But what I am saying is that sometimes, the best way to counter something is to embrace it. In this case, that means embracing the ghostly horsey goodness that is Hecarim.

So, there you have it, folks. The ultimate solution to countering Hecarim: don't fight him, join him. Who needs a physical body when you can be a spooky ghost horse?

On that note, I bid you farewell. May the ghostly presence of Hecarim guide you on your future games, and may your enemies tremble at the sight of your spectral form.

Who Counters Hecarim?

The Ghostly Horseman's Weaknesses

As a powerful jungler and a feared top laner, Hecarim is a force to be reckoned with on the Rift. However, even the most fearsome champions have their weaknesses.

  • Champions with CC: One of Hecarim's biggest strengths is his ability to charge into battle with his devastating ultimate, Onslaught of Shadows. However, this also makes him vulnerable to crowd control effects, such as stuns, roots, or knock-ups. Champions like Janna, Maokai, or Lulu can easily disrupt Hecarim's engage and turn the tables on him.
  • Champions with mobility: Hecarim relies heavily on his speed and mobility to catch up to his targets and deal damage. However, champions with dashes, blinks, or speed boosts can easily evade his attacks and kite him around. Champions like Ezreal, Lucian, or Vayne can make Hecarim feel like he's chasing ghosts.
  • Champions with sustain: Hecarim's main source of damage is his Q, Rampage, which allows him to quickly stack up Sheen items and deal massive burst damage. However, champions with sustain, such as Aatrox, Fiora, or Olaf, can easily shrug off Hecarim's poke and outlast him in extended trades.

FAQs about Countering Hecarim

Here are some common questions people ask about how to deal with the Ghostly Horseman:

  1. Can you interrupt Hecarim's ultimate? Yes, Hecarim's ultimate can be interrupted by any form of hard CC, such as stuns, roots, or knock-ups. This can be a powerful tool to turn the tide of a teamfight and shut down Hecarim's engage.
  2. What items are good against Hecarim? Items that provide crowd control reduction, such as Mercury's Treads or Quicksilver Sash, can help mitigate Hecarim's CC and make him more vulnerable. Additionally, building items with mobility or sustain, such as Trinity Force or Blade of the Ruined King, can help you stay ahead of Hecarim's damage and outlast him in fights.
  3. Is Hecarim better in the jungle or top lane? Hecarim can be played effectively in both roles, but he tends to excel more in the jungle due to his fast clear speed and ganking potential. However, in the top lane, he can be a formidable split-pusher and duelist, especially against melee champions.

With these tips in mind, you'll be galloping circles around Hecarim in no time. Just remember to watch out for his spooky ghost noises.