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Unleash the Counter: Discover the Best Champions to Take Down Udyr in League of Legends

Who Counters Udyr

Find out who can counter the swift and agile Udyr in League of Legends. Discover the best strategies to defeat this champion!

Who counters Udyr? Well, that's a question that has been bothering many League of Legends players for quite some time now. After all, Udyr is a force to be reckoned with. He's a speedy, tanky, damage-dealing machine that can take down even the toughest opponents in a matter of seconds. But fear not, my fellow summoners! I have delved deep into the world of LoL and emerged with a list of champions that can give Udyr a run for his money.

First up on our list is Jax. This guy may look like he's just swinging around a lamp post, but don't be fooled. He's a master of counterattacks and can dodge Udyr's attacks with ease. Plus, his stun ability will leave Udyr vulnerable and open for a nasty retaliation.

Next, we have Rammus. This little ball of spikes may seem like an odd choice, but trust me on this one. Rammus' taunt ability will force Udyr to attack him, leaving him open for his teammates to swoop in and take him down. Plus, Rammus' passive ability gives him extra armor, making him a tough nut to crack.

If you're looking for a more ranged option, then look no further than Vayne. She may be squishy, but her ability to tumble away from danger and deal massive amounts of damage make her a formidable opponent for Udyr. Plus, her silver bolts ability deals true damage, which can bypass Udyr's defenses.

Now, let's talk about a champion that's just downright annoying to play against: Teemo. Yes, I know, everyone hates Teemo. But hear me out. His ability to blind Udyr means that he won't be able to hit him with his basic attacks, which make up a large portion of his damage output. Plus, Teemo's mushrooms are the bane of any Udyr's existence.

If you're looking for a more traditional top laner, then Darius is your man. He may not have any fancy abilities that can completely shut down Udyr, but his sheer damage output and tankiness make him a force to be reckoned with. Plus, his ultimate ability can deal massive amounts of damage to Udyr, especially if he's low on health.

Another champion that can give Udyr a run for his money is Fiora. Her ability to parry Udyr's attacks means that she can turn the tide of any fight in her favor. Plus, her ultimate ability makes her invulnerable and deals massive amounts of damage, which can quickly take down Udyr.

Now, let's talk about a champion that's often overlooked: Malphite. This rock-like behemoth may not seem like much, but his ability to slow down Udyr's attack speed and movement speed can give him the upper hand in any fight. Plus, his ultimate ability can knock up Udyr and leave him vulnerable to his teammates' attacks.

If you're looking for a champion that can match Udyr's speed, then Hecarim is your guy. His ability to charge through enemies and deal massive amounts of damage makes him a formidable opponent for Udyr. Plus, his ultimate ability can fear Udyr and leave him open for a nasty attack.

Next, we have Renekton. This crocodile-like champion may not seem like much, but his ability to stun Udyr and deal massive amounts of damage make him a tough opponent to face. Plus, his ultimate ability gives him extra health and damage, making him a force to be reckoned with.

Finally, we have Nasus. This champion may not seem like an obvious choice, but hear me out. His ability to slow down Udyr's movement speed and deal massive amounts of damage with his Q ability means that he can quickly take down Udyr. Plus, his ultimate ability gives him extra health and armor, making him a tough opponent to face.

So there you have it, folks. A list of champions that can counter Udyr and give him a run for his money. But remember, just because a champion is a counter doesn't mean that they'll automatically win every fight. It all comes down to skill, strategy, and teamwork. Happy gaming!


Udyr is a champion that has been around for quite some time in League of Legends. He is known for his versatility and ability to be played in multiple roles, but most commonly seen in the jungle. However, with his recent buffs, Udyr has become a force to be reckoned with. So, who can counter this beast of a champion? Let's find out.

The Bear Necessities

Udyr is known for his ability to stun and run down his opponents with his bear stance. However, there are champions that can outplay him in this regard. Champions like Jax, Darius, and Renekton have the ability to dodge his stun or even counter it with their own abilities. Plus, they have the damage to take him down in a one-on-one fight.

Turtle Time

One of Udyr's strengths is his ability to take damage and sustain himself with his turtle stance. However, champions like Morgana, Swain, and Malzahar have abilities that can deal damage over time and negate his sustain. Plus, their crowd control abilities can prevent Udyr from getting close enough to use his turtle stance effectively.

Pheonix Down

Udyr's pheonix stance deals area of effect damage and can clear jungle camps quickly. However, champions like Amumu, Rammus, and Sejuani have the ability to tank through his damage and crowd control him while their team takes him down. Plus, their abilities also deal area of effect damage, making it difficult for Udyr to farm safely.

Monkey Business

Udyr's monkey stance gives him increased attack speed and movement speed, allowing him to chase down his opponents. However, champions like Vayne, Ezreal, and Lucian have the mobility to dodge his attacks and kite him. Plus, their range allows them to poke him down from a safe distance.

The Power of Magic

Udyr's kit is primarily focused on dealing physical damage, making him vulnerable to champions that build magic resist. Champions like Galio, Mundo, and Maokai have abilities that can reduce his physical damage output and deal magic damage in return. Plus, their tankiness makes it difficult for Udyr to burst them down.

CC Me Not

Udyr's kit relies heavily on him being able to move around freely and use his abilities. However, champions like Ashe, Leona, and Nautilus have crowd control abilities that can lock him down and prevent him from using his kit effectively. Plus, their team can follow up on their crowd control, making it difficult for Udyr to escape or fight back.

Toxicity at its Finest

Udyr's turtle stance allows him to sustain through damage and heal himself. However, champions like Teemo, Singed, and Cassiopeia have abilities that deal damage over time and prevent Udyr from healing himself effectively. Plus, their poison abilities also reduce his movement speed, making it difficult for him to chase them down.


While Udyr is a versatile and powerful champion, there are several champions that can counter him effectively. From crowd control to magic resist, these champions have the tools to take down Udyr and prevent him from dominating the game. So, next time you face off against an Udyr, consider picking one of these champions to give yourself an advantage.


Of course, this article is written with a humorous tone and should not be taken as a definitive guide on how to counter Udyr. Every game is different and requires a unique approach to win. So, don't take this article too seriously and have fun playing League of Legends!

Who Counters Udyr?

Hellooo? Is it Meow you're looking for? If you're tired of dealing with Udyr's bear slaps, then maybe it's time to unleash the power of feline counterpicks. Champions like Rengar, Kha'Zix, and Nidalee are quick on their feet and can pounce on Udyr before he even has a chance to react. Plus, their mobility can make it difficult for Udyr to catch up and land his stun. So next time you see Udyr in the jungle, just tell him you're bringing your cat.

Zap! You're frozen!

Udyr may be a master of the elements, but that doesn't mean he's immune to a bitter cold welcome. Champions like Anivia, Lissandra, and Ashe can freeze Udyr in his tracks, leaving him vulnerable to follow-up attacks. And let's not forget about the electric shock of champions like Kennen and Ziggs, who can shock Udyr with their area of effect abilities.

Stop, drop and your base

How do you deal with a champion that's constantly in your face? Simple - hit them with area of effect damage. Champions like Brand, Viktor, and Orianna can unleash devastating spells that cover a wide area, making it difficult for Udyr to dodge. And if he does get caught in the flames, he better start rolling back to his base.

Kaboom! Headshot!

Udyr may be tough, but he's not invincible. Champions like Caitlyn, Jhin, and Xerath can take him down from a distance with their long-range attacks. And let's not forget about the explosive power of champions like Jinx and Ziggs, who can rain down bombs on Udyr from a safe distance.

Say cheese - and goodbye!

If there's one thing Udyr hates, it's getting bursted down quickly. Champions like LeBlanc, Kassadin, and Syndra can unleash a flurry of spells that can take Udyr from full health to zero in a matter of seconds. And let's not forget about the raw damage output of champions like Darius and Garen, who can chop down Udyr with their massive attacks.

Who's a good boy? NOT UDYR.

Udyr may be a beast, but he's not the one in control when it comes to certain champions. Champions like Cassiopeia, Ahri, and Rammus can control Udyr's movements with their crowd control abilities, making it difficult for him to engage or escape. And let's not forget about the disarming power of champions like Jax and Poppy, who can completely shut down Udyr's attacks.

I've got a bone to pick with you!

Udyr may have some healing abilities, but that doesn't mean he's immune to anti-healing effects. Champions like Katarina, Varus, and Ignite can quickly reduce Udyr's healing potential, making it difficult for him to sustain in fights. And if he does try to heal up, he better watch out for the grievous wounds of champions like Tristana and Miss Fortune.

Let's get physical...not!

Udyr may be a physical fighter, but that doesn't mean he can't be disarmed or stunned. Champions like Malphite, Nautilus, and Alistar can lock Udyr down with their crowd control abilities, making it difficult for him to attack or escape. And let's not forget about the spellbinding power of champions like Morgana and Lux, who can root Udyr in place with their powerful spells.

Magic? Ha! I've got you covered.

Udyr may deal a lot of magic damage, but that doesn't mean he's immune to magic resistance. Champions like Galio, Kassadin, and Veigar can nullify Udyr's magic damage with their powerful magic resist abilities. And if Udyr tries to get sneaky with his AP build, he better watch out for the magic penetration of champions like Fizz and Kha'Zix.

I'm rubber, you're Udyr.

Udyr may be a formidable opponent, but that doesn't mean he can't be countered by champions who reflect or absorb his attacks. Champions like Yasuo, Braum, and Janna can deflect Udyr's damage with their shields, making it difficult for him to deal any meaningful damage. And let's not forget about the life-stealing power of champions like Vladimir and Mordekaiser, who can absorb Udyr's attacks and turn them against him.

So there you have it - a full rundown of how to counter Udyr in the most entertaining way possible. Whether you prefer the feline approach or the explosive one, there's a champion out there that can take down the Spirit Walker. Just remember to always have fun and never underestimate the power of a well-placed pun.

Who Counters Udyr?

The Story of Udyr

Udyr, the Spirit Walker, was known for his ability to shift between four animal spirits - the tiger, turtle, bear, and phoenix. He roamed the forests and mountains, protecting the land from any danger that may come its way. His strength in battle was unmatched, and many feared crossing paths with him.

One day, Udyr decided to venture out of the forest and into the Summoner's Rift. He had heard tales of other champions with extraordinary abilities and wanted to test his skills against them. Little did he know, this decision would lead him to face some of his toughest opponents yet.

Who Counters Udyr?

As Udyr made his way through the Rift, he quickly realized that there were champions who could easily counter his animal spirits. Here are some of the champions that proved to be Udyr's downfall:

  1. Volibear - Volibear's passive allows him to heal up while dealing damage to Udyr, making it difficult for Udyr to take him down.
  2. Fiora - Fiora's ability to parry Udyr's stuns and reduce his attack speed makes her a formidable opponent.
  3. Jax - Jax's dodge ability and stun make it difficult for Udyr to land his attacks.
  4. Nasus - Nasus' ability to stack his Q and deal tons of damage makes him a tough opponent for Udyr to handle.
  5. Olaf - Olaf's ultimate allows him to ignore Udyr's crowd control abilities and deal massive damage.

A Humorous Take

Despite the fact that Udyr has some tough counters, he still remains a popular pick for jungle mains. Some even argue that Udyr counters himself with his outdated kit. But let's be real, who can resist the allure of transforming into a bear and running around the map like a madman?

So, while Udyr may have some weaknesses, he's still a force to be reckoned with in the right hands. And who knows, maybe one day he'll get a rework that will finally give him the love he deserves.

Table Information

Keyword Definition
Udyr A champion in the game League of Legends known for his ability to shift between four animal spirits.
Counter A champion that is effective at fighting against another champion.
Volibear A champion in League of Legends known for his ability to heal up while dealing damage.
Fiora A champion in League of Legends known for her ability to parry attacks and reduce attack speed.
Jax A champion in League of Legends known for his dodge ability and stun.
Nasus A champion in League of Legends known for his ability to stack his Q and deal tons of damage.
Olaf A champion in League of Legends known for his ability to ignore crowd control abilities and deal massive damage.

Udyr: Counter me if you can!

Well, well, well. Seems like you've reached the end of this blog post. It's been a long journey, but I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Now, let's get down to business. Who counters Udyr? That's the million-dollar question that every League of Legends player wants an answer to.

Let's be honest here, Udyr is a beast. His kit is versatile, and his playstyle is unique. He can be an unstoppable force in the jungle or a formidable top laner. But, like every other champion, Udyr has his weaknesses. And that's where we come in. We're here to give you some insight into who can counter Udyr and make him regret his life choices.

First up, we have Jax. This guy is a monster in top lane. He has the mobility, the damage, and the crowd control to take on Udyr and come out on top. When Jax jumps on Udyr, he can stun him with his Counter Strike and deal massive damage with his Empower. Udyr won't stand a chance against Jax's overwhelming power.

Next on our list, we have Rammus. This little guy might seem insignificant, but don't be fooled by his size. Rammus can roll around Udyr, taunt him with his Puncturing Taunt, and deal massive damage with his Thornmail. Udyr will regret ever trying to mess with Rammus.

Now, let's talk about Trundle. This guy is a troll in every sense of the word. He can use his Subjugate to steal Udyr's stats and make him weaker. Trundle's Frozen Domain can also slow down Udyr and make him an easy target for his teammates. Udyr won't be laughing when he faces off against Trundle.

Another champion who can give Udyr a run for his money is Warwick. This guy is a nightmare for any jungler, and Udyr is no exception. Warwick can suppress Udyr with his Infinite Duress and deal massive damage with his Hungering Strike. Udyr won't be able to escape Warwick's grasp.

Let's not forget about Olaf. This Viking is a force to be reckoned with. Olaf's Undertow can slow down Udyr and make him an easy target for his teammates. Olaf's Reckless Swing can also deal massive true damage to Udyr. Udyr won't be standing after facing off against Olaf.

And last but not least, we have the queen of the jungle, Nidalee. This cougar can pounce on Udyr and deal massive damage with her Takedown. Nidalee's Javelin Toss can also poke Udyr from a safe distance and make him regret ever trying to chase her. Udyr won't be able to catch Nidalee.

So there you have it, folks. These are some of the champions who can counter Udyr and make him regret ever trying to mess with them. But keep in mind, every game is different, and every player is unique. It all comes down to how you play your champion and how well you work with your team. So, don't lose hope if you're facing off against Udyr. With the right strategy and a bit of luck, you might just come out on top.

With that said, it's time for me to bid you farewell. I hope you found this blog post helpful and entertaining. And if you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to drop a comment below. Until next time, happy gaming!

Who Counters Udyr?

People Also Ask:

1. Who can beat Udyr in a 1v1?

Well, if you really want to beat Udyr in a 1v1 and show him who's the real boss, then the best champions to counter him are Jax, Fiora, or even Tryndamere. They have the mobility, damage, and survivability to outplay Udyr and come out victorious.

2. How do you stop Udyr from ganking?

If you're tired of Udyr coming into your lane and ruining your day, then there are a few things you can do to stop him from ganking. Firstly, warding is key. Make sure you have vision of the river and the jungle entrances to your lane. Secondly, communicate with your team and ping when Udyr is missing or spotted. Lastly, position yourself closer to your turret and play safe until you have backup.

3. What items counter Udyr?

Udyr is a melee champion that relies heavily on movement speed and attack speed. Therefore, items that slow down his movement or reduce his attack speed are great counters to him. Items like Frozen Heart, Randuin's Omen, and Rylai's Crystal Scepter are all effective against Udyr.

4. How do you deal with Udyr's split pushing?

Udyr is known for his split pushing capabilities, but there are ways to deal with it. Firstly, make sure you have someone on your team with wave clear abilities to defend against his minions. Secondly, try to catch him off guard and kill him when he's alone. Lastly, communicate with your team and coordinate a team fight to take advantage of his absence from the main fight.

5. What is Udyr's weakness?

Udyr's weakness is his lack of mobility and range. He has to run up to his enemies to deal damage, which makes him vulnerable to kiting and CC effects. Champions with strong crowd control and long-range abilities can easily take down Udyr before he even gets close.