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Unveiling the Owner of Pinterest: Exploring the History and Key Players Behind The Popular Social Media Platform

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Curious about who owns Pinterest? Get the answer and learn more about the popular social media platform in this short article.

Are you a Pinterest fanatic? Do you spend hours scrolling through the endless supply of beautiful images and DIY ideas? Well, have you ever wondered who is behind this addictive platform? Who owns Pinterest?

First and foremost, let's debunk the myth that it's a single person. Sorry to disappoint, but Mark Zuckerberg isn't pulling the strings here. In fact, Pinterest was co-founded by three individuals: Ben Silbermann, Evan Sharp, and Paul Sciarra.

Now, you might be thinking, Okay, cool. Three guys started Pinterest. But who owns it now? Good question. As of 2021, Pinterest is a publicly traded company, which means it's owned by shareholders who have purchased stocks in the company.

But let's backtrack a bit. How did Pinterest even become a thing? Well, the idea for Pinterest actually came about in 2009 when Ben Silbermann was working at Google. He noticed that people were using the platform to search for inspiration and ideas, but there wasn't a dedicated space for this kind of content. So, he teamed up with Evan Sharp (who had a background in architecture) and Paul Sciarra (who had experience in investment banking) to create what we now know as Pinterest.

Flash forward to 2010, and Pinterest was launched to the public. It quickly gained a following, particularly among women, who were drawn to the platform's focus on beauty, fashion, and home decor. By 2011, Pinterest had over 10 million registered users.

So, who owns Pinterest now that it's a publicly traded company? Well, the largest shareholder is currently Vanguard Group Inc., which owns over 16 million shares of Pinterest stock. Other major investors include BlackRock Inc., Fidelity Management & Research Co., and Morgan Stanley.

But what about the original co-founders? Do they still have a stake in the company? The short answer is yes. Ben Silbermann, Evan Sharp, and Paul Sciarra all still hold shares in Pinterest, with Silbermann being the largest individual shareholder.

Now, you might be wondering how much Pinterest is worth. As of June 2021, the company had a market cap of over $50 billion. So, yeah, it's safe to say that Pinterest is doing pretty well for itself.

But what does the future hold for Pinterest? Well, the company has recently been making moves to expand into new areas, such as e-commerce and video content. They've also been working on improving their ad platform to make it more appealing to businesses. Only time will tell where Pinterest will go from here.

So, there you have it. While Pinterest may have started as a small idea between three friends, it's now a massive company that's owned by shareholders all over the world. But no matter who owns it, we'll still be endlessly scrolling through those beautifully curated boards.


Ah, Pinterest - the ultimate hub for all things crafty, creative, and downright bizarre. It's a place where you can find inspiration for your next DIY project, recipe, or even fashion statement. But have you ever stopped to wonder who actually owns this virtual haven of quirky ideas and aesthetic inspiration? Well, fear not, my curious friend, because I've got all the answers for you.

The Founders

Pinterest was founded in 2010 by three young entrepreneurs named Ben Silbermann, Evan Sharp, and Paul Sciarra. These guys were looking to create a platform where people could discover and save visual content that they found interesting or inspiring. And thus, Pinterest was born.

Ben Silbermann: The Face of Pinterest

If you've ever taken a peek at Pinterest's website, chances are you've come across a photo of a bespectacled, smiling man. That's Ben Silbermann, one of the co-founders of Pinterest and its current CEO. He's the one who's often credited with turning Pinterest into the behemoth it is today, with over 250 million active users.

The Investors

Of course, with any successful startup comes a host of investors eager to jump on board and make some money. Pinterest has had several rounds of funding throughout its history, with some pretty big names backing the company.

First Round of Funding

In 2011, Pinterest secured its first round of funding, bringing in $10 million from investors such as Jack Abraham (founder of Milo) and Jeremy Stoppelman (CEO of Yelp).

Second Round of Funding

The following year, Pinterest raised another $27 million in its second round of funding, with contributions from Andreessen Horowitz (a venture capital firm) and Bessemer Venture Partners.

Third Round of Funding

By 2013, Pinterest was really starting to take off, and its third round of funding reflected that. The company raised $200 million from investors such as Valiant Capital Management and Fidelity Investments.

The Acquisition

In 2015, Pinterest made a bold move by acquiring a company called Jelly Industries. Jelly was founded by Biz Stone (one of the co-founders of Twitter) and was essentially a Q&A platform. While it's not entirely clear what Pinterest's plans were for Jelly, it's safe to say that they were looking to expand their reach beyond just visual content.

So, Who Actually Owns Pinterest?

After all that, you might be wondering who actually owns Pinterest. Well, the answer is pretty simple - Pinterest is a publicly traded company. This means that anyone can buy shares of the company on the stock market and technically own a piece of it. As of writing this article, Pinterest's largest shareholders include institutional investors like Vanguard Group and BlackRock, as well as some of its co-founders.


So, there you have it - the who's who of Pinterest ownership. From its humble beginnings with three young entrepreneurs to its current status as a publicly traded company, Pinterest has certainly come a long way. Whether you're using it to plan your dream wedding or just to kill some time scrolling through endless photos of cute animals, one thing's for sure - Pinterest isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

The Great Pinning Mystery: Who's Running the Show at Pinterest?

As you sit there, scrolling through your perfectly-curated Pinterest feed, have you ever wondered who's behind it all? Who are the masterminds pulling the strings and making you lust after that perfect recipe pin? Well, my fellow pinners, I've done some deep diving and unmasking to reveal the not-so-secret society of pinning.

Meet the Masterminds Behind Your Favorite Pinning Addiction

First up, we have co-founder and CEO Ben Silbermann. This man is the brains behind the operation, the one who started it all back in 2010. With a background in design, he's the reason why Pinterest is the visual platform we know and love today.

Next, we have Evan Sharp and Paul Sciarra, two other co-founders who played integral roles in building Pinterest from the ground up. Sharp, a former architect, is responsible for the site's overall look and feel, while Sciarra helped secure the funding needed to get Pinterest off the ground.

The Pinterest Puppeteers: Who's Really Pulling the Strings?

But wait, there's more! It takes a village to run a platform as big as Pinterest, and there are plenty of other key players behind the scenes. There's Tim Kendall, the former president who helped grow the site's userbase to over 100 million monthly active users. There's also Francoise Brougher, the former COO who oversaw the company's global expansion efforts.

And let's not forget about the team of engineers, designers, and product managers who work tirelessly to improve the user experience and keep things running smoothly. These are the real puppeteers, the ones who make all the magic happen.

A Deep Dive Into the Pinning Powers at Pinterest Headquarters

So, what's it like behind the scenes at Pinterest headquarters? According to Glassdoor reviews, the company culture is laid-back and collaborative, with plenty of perks like free snacks, on-site yoga classes, and even a weekly happy hour. Employees rave about the supportive work environment and the opportunity to work on projects that truly make a difference.

But don't be fooled by the fun and games – these folks mean business. The team is constantly experimenting with new features and ways to improve the platform, from the introduction of Story Pins to the addition of shopping features that make it easier to buy products directly from Pinterest.

Behind the Scenes at Pinterest: Who's Calling the Shots?

So, who's really calling the shots at Pinterest? Ultimately, it's the board of directors who have the final say on major decisions. As of 2021, the board is made up of seven members, including Silbermann and several other top executives. With backgrounds in tech, finance, and marketing, these folks have the expertise needed to steer Pinterest in the right direction.

But let's not forget about the users – after all, they're the ones who keep the platform running. Pinterest regularly solicits feedback from its users and takes their suggestions into account when making changes. So, in a way, we're all calling the shots.

The Secretive Minds Behind Your Late Night Pinning Binges

So, what motivates the Pinterest team to keep innovating and improving the platform? According to Silbermann, it's all about helping people discover new ideas and inspiration.

Our mission is to bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love, he said in a 2019 interview. We want to help you discover things you didn't even know you were looking for.

And let's be real – isn't that what keeps us all coming back for more? The thrill of uncovering a new recipe, home decor idea, or fashion trend is what fuels our late night pinning binges.

Unmasking the Pinning Gurus Behind Your Dream Home Boards

So, who's responsible for all those dreamy home decor boards that make us want to redecorate every room in our house? Meet Larkin Brown, Pinterest's resident home expert. As head of user research and insights, she's responsible for analyzing user data to uncover trends and insights that can inform product development.

And then there's Joanna Hawley, a former blogger turned Pinterest influencer who now works on the company's creator marketing team. She's the one responsible for those sponsored pins that seamlessly blend in with the rest of your feed.

The Pinterest Wizards Revealed: Who's Crafting Your Perfectly Curated Feed?

Ever wonder how Pinterest knows exactly what pins to serve up in your feed? Meet the recommendation team, a group of data scientists and engineers who use machine learning algorithms to analyze your previous activity on the site and serve up personalized recommendations.

And then there's the content policy team, who work tirelessly to ensure that the content on Pinterest is safe and appropriate for all users. They're the ones responsible for enforcing the site's policies around hate speech, misinformation, and other harmful content.

The Pinterest Titans: Who's Making You Lust After That Perfect Recipe Pin?

If you're like me, Pinterest is your go-to source for new recipe ideas. So, who's responsible for all those mouth-watering food pins? Meet the food and drink team, a group of editors and writers who curate the site's food content.

And then there's the engineering team behind the site's search and discovery features. They're the ones responsible for making it easy to find exactly what you're looking for, whether it's a specific recipe or a home decor idea.

The Not-So-Secret Society of Pinning: Who's Controlling Your Pinterest Obsession?

So, there you have it – a glimpse behind the curtain at the not-so-secret society of pinning. From the CEO to the recommendation team, there are plenty of talented individuals working tirelessly to make Pinterest the best it can be.

And let's be real – we're all a part of this society. We're the ones creating boards, pinning ideas, and fueling our own Pinterest obsessions. So, the next time you find yourself scrolling through your feed, take a moment to appreciate all the hard work that goes into making Pinterest the addictive, inspiring platform it is today.

The Mysterious Ownership of Pinterest

The Beginning of Pinterest

Once upon a time, there was a website called Pinterest. It was a magical place where people could share pictures and ideas with the world. But who owned this mystical land?

It all started back in 2010, when three friends named Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp decided to create a new social media site. They wanted to make something that would allow people to collect and share things that they loved.

And so, Pinterest was born. It quickly became popular, with millions of users signing up to share their favorite recipes, fashion tips, and DIY projects. But even as the site grew, people still wondered: Who owns this thing?

The Mystery Deepens

As it turns out, figuring out who owns Pinterest is no easy task. The site is privately owned, which means that it's not listed on any stock exchange. That makes it difficult to find out who the major shareholders are or how much the company is worth.

Some reports suggest that Ben Silbermann, one of the co-founders, is the largest shareholder. Others claim that investors like Andreessen Horowitz and FirstMark Capital own significant chunks of the company.

But here's where things get really interesting: Despite all the speculation, Pinterest has never actually confirmed who owns it. That's right, folks - the ownership of one of the most popular websites in the world is a total mystery.

The Truth Revealed...Maybe

So, who owns Pinterest? The truth is, we may never know for sure. But there are a few clues that can help us piece together the puzzle.

For example, in 2017, Pinterest raised $150 million in funding. According to reports, that investment valued the company at $12.3 billion. That suggests that the owners of Pinterest are sitting on a pretty hefty pile of cash.

Another clue comes from the site's own public filings. According to those documents, Pinterest is officially incorporated in Delaware. That means that the company is subject to state regulations and has to file certain paperwork with the government.

The Bottom Line

So, there you have it. The mystery of who owns Pinterest may never be fully solved. But one thing is clear: the site has become a beloved part of the internet landscape, and millions of people around the world use it every day to connect and share their passions.

Who knows - maybe someday we'll get to meet the elusive owners of Pinterest. Until then, let's just keep pinning and enjoying all the amazing content this magical site has to offer.

Table of Keywords

  • Pinterest
  • Ownership
  • Ben Silbermann
  • Paul Sciarra
  • Evan Sharp
  • Social media
  • Stock exchange
  • Shareholders
  • Andreessen Horowitz
  • FirstMark Capital
  • Funding
  • Delaware

So Who Really Owns Pinterest? Let's Find Out!

Well, well, well. We've talked a lot about Pinterest and its features, but there's one question that keeps popping up. Who owns Pinterest? Is it a single person, a group of people, or an alien from outer space? Okay, maybe not the last one, but you get the point.

First, let's look at the history of Pinterest. It all started back in 2009 when Ben Silbermann, Evan Sharp, and Paul Sciarra launched the website. However, Sciarra left the company a year later, leaving Silbermann and Sharp in charge. So, does that mean Silbermann and Sharp are the sole owners of Pinterest?

Not exactly. In 2011, Japanese e-commerce company Rakuten invested $100 million in Pinterest, which gave them a significant stake in the company. But wait, there's more. In 2013, Pinterest raised another $225 million in funding, which brought its valuation to $3.8 billion. Who were the investors, you ask? Fidelity, Andreessen Horowitz, Bessemer Venture Partners, and Valiant Capital Management, to name a few.

So, it's safe to say that Pinterest has multiple owners. But who has the most control over the company? According to the latest reports, Ben Silbermann is still the CEO of Pinterest and holds the most power. As for the other owners, they have a say in how the company operates, but they don't have the final say.

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room. How much is Pinterest worth? As of 2021, Pinterest has a market capitalization of $42 billion. That's right, billion with a B. It's no surprise that Pinterest has become a hot commodity in the tech world.

But let's get back to the question at hand. Who owns Pinterest? The answer is simple yet complicated. Pinterest has multiple owners, but Ben Silbermann holds the most power. And with a market capitalization of $42 billion, it's safe to say that owning a piece of Pinterest is pretty lucrative.

So there you have it, folks. The mystery of who owns Pinterest has been solved. But let's be real, does it really matter? As long as Pinterest continues to provide us with endless inspiration and cute animal videos, we're happy.

On that note, we hope you enjoyed reading about the ownership of Pinterest. Now go forth and keep pinning away!

Until next time, happy pinning!

Who Owns Pinterest?

People Also Ask

As an AI language model, I understand that people have curiosity about the ownership of Pinterest. Here are some of the frequently asked questions:

1. Is Pinterest owned by Google?

No, my dear friend, Pinterest is not owned by Google. Although, it is understandable why you might think so since Google is taking over the world.

2. Who is the CEO of Pinterest?

The CEO of Pinterest is a charming gentleman named Ben Silbermann. He's the one responsible for creating this visual bookmarking tool that has taken the world by storm.

3. Is Pinterest publicly traded?

Yes, Pinterest is a publicly traded company. You can buy shares of it if you want to become a shareholder and be part of the Pinterest community.

4. Who are the major shareholders of Pinterest?

Well, well, well, aren't we curious! The major shareholders of Pinterest include some big names like Vanguard Group, BlackRock, and Baillie Gifford & Co. But don't worry, you don't need to be a millionaire to join Pinterest.

The Answer

So, the moment you've been waiting for. Who owns Pinterest? The answer is quite simple, my friend. Pinterest is owned by Pinterest, Inc. Yes, you read it right. The company itself owns Pinterest. Mind-blowing, isn't it?

But let's be real here, it doesn't matter who owns Pinterest. What matters is that it's a platform for discovery and inspiration. So go ahead, pin your heart out!