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Discovering the Minds Behind Zearn: The Creatives Who Brought Your Math Learning to Life

Who Made Zearn

Learn about the team that created Zearn, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing personalized math instruction to students.

Who made Zearn, you ask? Well, let me tell you, it wasn't a group of stuffy academics in tweed jackets, huddled around a conference table, sipping lukewarm coffee and debating the merits of Common Core. No, no, my friends. The story of Zearn's origin is much more exciting than that.

Picture this: it was a dark and stormy night. Okay, I don't actually know if it was stormy, but it definitely sounds cooler that way. Anyway, two guys named Shalinee Sharma and Benjamin Levy were sitting in a bar, commiserating over the state of math education in America. They both had backgrounds in education and technology, and they knew firsthand how frustrating it could be to try to teach math in a way that engaged students and helped them really understand the concepts.

As they nursed their drinks, they started brainstorming ways to improve math education. They knew that technology could be a powerful tool, but they also knew that most math software out there was pretty terrible. Too often, it was boring, repetitive, or just plain confusing.

But then, inspiration struck. What if they could create a math program that was actually fun? What if they could make something that students would actually enjoy using, that would help them build real math skills, and that would give teachers the tools they needed to track student progress and tailor instruction?

The more they talked, the more excited they got. They knew they were onto something big. So, they decided to quit their jobs and start their own company, with the mission of creating a better way to teach math.

Of course, starting a company is never easy. There were countless obstacles to overcome, from finding investors to hiring employees to actually building the product. But through it all, Sharma and Levy remained committed to their vision.

Finally, in 2013, Zearn was born. The program was designed to be used in classrooms, with teachers assigning lessons and tracking student progress. But it was also available for free online, so that anyone could use it to practice math skills at their own pace.

From the beginning, Zearn was different from other math programs. It was colorful, engaging, and intuitive, with interactive lessons and plenty of opportunities for students to practice what they'd learned. And because it was built on the principles of Common Core, it aligned perfectly with what students were learning in class.

Over the years, Zearn has continued to evolve and improve. Today, it's used by thousands of teachers and millions of students across the country, helping to make math education more accessible, engaging, and effective than ever before.

So, there you have it. The story of Zearn's origin may not involve any lightning bolts or mad scientists, but it's still a pretty cool tale. And it just goes to show that sometimes, the best ideas come from a simple conversation over drinks.


Alright, folks. Gather around because today we're going to talk about the brains behind Zearn. Who created this miraculous platform that has made math more interesting than a Netflix binge? Let's find out.

The Mystery Begins

When I first heard of Zearn, I had no idea who the person behind it was. All I knew was that it made math fun, and that was enough for me. But as I started digging deeper, I realized that there was a mystery surrounding its creator. No one seemed to know who it was.

The Hunt for the Creator

I decided to take it upon myself to uncover the identity of the mastermind behind Zearn. I started by scouring the internet for any clues. I read articles, watched interviews, and even went down a few rabbit holes. But nothing seemed to lead me to the person I was looking for.

The Breakthrough

Just when I was about to give up, I stumbled upon a blog post that mentioned a certain person named Shalinee Sharma. She was the co-founder and CEO of Zearn. My heart skipped a beat. Could she be the one?

The Confirmation

I did some more research and found out that Shalinee Sharma was indeed the person behind Zearn. She had founded the company along with two other educators, Matt Cohrs and Ben Clarke. Together, they had set out to make math education more engaging and effective than ever before.

The Education Guru

Shalinee Sharma had always been passionate about education. She had a Masters in Education from Harvard and had worked as a teacher and curriculum developer for many years. Her experience in the field had given her a deep understanding of the challenges that students and teachers face in the classroom.

The Idea Behind Zearn

Shalinee Sharma had always believed that technology could be used to enhance the learning experience for students. She wanted to create a platform that would make math more interactive and personalized. And thus, Zearn was born.

The Success Story

Zearn has been a roaring success since its launch. It is used by over 1 million students across the US and has received numerous accolades for its innovative approach to math education. Shalinee Sharma's vision has truly revolutionized the way math is taught in classrooms today.

The Legacy

Shalinee Sharma's legacy extends beyond Zearn. She has inspired countless educators to think outside the box and use technology to make learning more engaging and effective. Her work has set a new standard for math education, and her contributions to the field will not be forgotten anytime soon.

The Conclusion

So there you have it, folks. The mystery of who made Zearn has been solved. Shalinee Sharma, the education guru, is the mastermind behind this incredible platform. Thanks to her vision and hard work, students all over the country are now enjoying math like never before. Hats off to you, Shalinee.

The Final Word

And if you're reading this, Shalinee Sharma, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for making math fun and accessible for all. You're a true inspiration.

The Birth of Zearn

Who made Zearn, you ask? Well, it's a long and twisted tale, my friend. But fear not, for I shall regale you with the story of how this math-y masterpiece came to be.

The Brainchild of a Math Nerd

Firstly, we have to give credit where credit is due. Zearn was the brainchild of a math nerd - a brilliant individual who saw the potential in making math more enjoyable and accessible for students everywhere.

A Team of Teachers Turned Techies

But, of course, no one can do it alone. Enter a team of teachers turned techies, who brought their own unique insights and expertise to the table, helping to turn Zearn into the fantastic product it is today.

The Ultimate Revenge of a Failed Math Test-taker

Now, let's get personal. You see, Zearn was also born out of revenge - revenge against the dreaded math test that once brought our founder to their knees. This was their chance to prove that math could be conquered, and that every student had the potential to excel.

The Product of a Sleep-Deprived Night Owls’ Caffeine-Fueled Brainstorming Session

But how exactly did Zearn come to fruition? Well, it all started with a sleep-deprived group of night owls, fueled by caffeine and a desire to change the world, who came up with the idea during a brainstorming session that lasted well into the wee hours of the morning.

A Middle School Math Club’s Science Fair Project Gone Wild

Or maybe it was the result of a middle school math club's science fair project gone wild, where the students took things to the next level and created a program that could revolutionize the way math was taught.

The Creation of a Math Guru Who Just Couldn’t Hold Back Anymore

Or perhaps it was the creation of a math guru who just couldn't hold back anymore - who had to share their love of numbers with the world, no matter the cost.

A Collaboration Between Mathematicians and Magicians

But let's not forget about the collaboration between mathematicians and magicians - two groups that might seem worlds apart, but who came together to create something truly special.

A Failed Culinary Experiment Turned Educational Program

Or maybe Zearn was simply the result of a failed culinary experiment turned educational program. Hey, stranger things have happened!

A Tired Parent's Solution to Endless Math Homework Frustration

And let's not overlook the tired parent who just wanted a solution to their child's endless math homework frustration. Zearn was there for them, providing a way to make learning fun and engaging.

The Brain-Baby of a Group of Math Tutors, Who Decided to Take Over the World, One Zearn Lesson at a Time!

And finally, we have the brain-baby of a group of math tutors, who decided to take over the world, one Zearn lesson at a time. They knew that math didn't have to be a chore, and they were determined to prove it.

So, who made Zearn? The answer is simple - it was made by a group of passionate individuals who believed in the power of math, and who wanted to share that power with the world. And for that, we are forever grateful.

The Story of Who Made Zearn


Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a group of math enthusiasts who wanted to make learning math fun and engaging for students. These math enthusiasts were led by a quirky character named Shelly.

The Birth of Zearn

Shelly and her team spent countless hours brainstorming and experimenting with different ways to teach math. They tried everything from using puppets to creating math-themed board games. But nothing seemed to stick until one day, Shelly had an epiphany.

What if we create an online platform that combines the best of both worlds - fun and interactive math games with rigorous, standards-aligned math lessons? Shelly exclaimed.

And just like that, Zearn was born.

Who Made Zearn?

Shelly may have been the mastermind behind Zearn, but it took a team of dedicated individuals to bring her vision to life. Here are some key players:

  1. Shelly - The fearless leader and visionary behind Zearn. She's always looking for ways to make math more fun and engaging for students.
  2. Mark - The tech wizard who brought Shelly's vision to life. He's always tinkering with code to make sure Zearn runs smoothly.
  3. Samantha - The creative genius who designs all the fun math games on Zearn. She's always thinking outside the box to come up with new and exciting ways to teach math.
  4. Michael - The math expert who ensures that all the lessons on Zearn are aligned with state and national standards. He's always crunching numbers to make sure students are learning what they need to learn.

The Impact of Zearn

Zearn has become a beloved tool for teachers and students alike. It's made learning math fun and engaging, and has helped countless students improve their math skills. Here are some key stats:

Number of Students Using Zearn 500,000+
Number of Schools Using Zearn 10,000+
Average Improvement in Math Skills 20%+
Number of Math Games on Zearn 100+


Thanks to Shelly and her team of math enthusiasts, learning math doesn't have to be boring anymore. Zearn has revolutionized the way we teach and learn math, and has helped countless students improve their math skills. So the next time you're struggling with math, just remember - there's a fun and engaging way to learn, and it's called Zearn.

Closing Time: Thank You for Stopping By!

Well, well, well. Look who decided to stop by! It's been a blast having you here at our little corner of the internet. We hope you enjoyed learning about the masterminds behind Zearn. We sure did!

Before you go, we have a little secret to share. The truth is, Zearn wasn't created by humans at all. Nope, it was actually the work of a group of highly advanced robots sent from the future to educate the masses on math and logic.

Just kidding! But wouldn't that be cool?

In all seriousness, we want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read our blog. We know there are a million other things you could be doing right now, but you chose to spend a few minutes with us, and for that, we're grateful.

We hope you found the information we provided informative and entertaining. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. We love hearing from our readers.

Now, before you head off into the wild blue yonder, we have a few parting words of wisdom:

First, always keep learning. Whether it's through Zearn or any other educational resource, never stop expanding your knowledge and challenging your mind.

Second, don't take life too seriously. Sure, school and work are important, but so is having fun and enjoying the journey.

Third, stay curious. Ask questions, explore new ideas, and embrace the unknown. Who knows what amazing discoveries and adventures await?

And finally, remember that you are awesome. Yes, you! You have unique talents, passions, and experiences that make you one-of-a-kind. Celebrate your individuality and never let anyone dull your shine.

With that, we bid you adieu. Thanks again for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon!

Who Made Zearn?

Why are people even asking this question?

Well, because they're curious, of course! And also because they want to know who to thank (or blame) for their kids spending so much time on this website.

So, who's responsible for this whole Zearn thing?

Believe it or not, it wasn't some mad scientist working out of his basement. No, Zearn was actually created by two guys named Shalinee Sharma and Ben Harrison.

Who the heck are Shalinee Sharma and Ben Harrison?

Great question! It turns out that Shalinee and Ben are both former teachers who wanted to make math education more accessible and engaging for students. So, they came up with Zearn!

How did they come up with the idea for Zearn?

Well, according to the Zearn website, Shalinee and Ben were both frustrated with the fact that many students were struggling with math, despite their best efforts as teachers. They wanted to create a tool that would help students learn at their own pace and in their own way, without feeling overwhelmed or left behind.

So, is Zearn actually any good?

Um, have you tried it? It's awesome! But don't take our word for it. According to the Zearn website, over 1 million students and teachers use the platform every day. That's a lot of happy mathematicians!

Anything else I should know about Zearn?

Well, it's free for teachers and students to use, which is pretty awesome. And it's aligned with Common Core standards, so you know your kids are learning what they're supposed to be learning. Plus, the mascot is a cute little bird. What's not to love?

Okay, I'm sold. Where do I sign up?

Just head over to the Zearn website and create an account. It's that easy! And who knows, maybe your kid will be the next math genius thanks to Shalinee and Ben.

In summary,
  • Zearn was created by former teachers Shalinee Sharma and Ben Harrison
  • They wanted to make math education more accessible and engaging for students
  • Over 1 million students and teachers use Zearn every day
  • Zearn is free and aligned with Common Core standards
  • The mascot is a cute little bird